Wrinkle Treatments in Frederick

Find the Right Wrinkle Treatments for You in Frederick

Skincare at our Medical Spa in Frederick MD

Here at Alazzo Med Spa, while we do offer semi-permanent injectables that address wrinkles and lines that all come with aging, we also provide options that don’t require needles or breaking of your skin. 

Fads, trends, common popularity—these are all things that describe the ebb and flow of aesthetic treatments and med spa services. There will always be things that come in and out of popularity based on which celebrity is using what product, or word of mouth from someone raving about their recent treatment. But one med spa service that will always be in demand, and will always be requested by clients of all ages, is wrinkle treatment!

Lucky for you, Alazzo offers all kinds of options to reduce the appearance of your wrinkles. Whether you are a first timer when it comes to wrinkle treatments in Frederick or you have been treated before, our guide can serve as a resource or reminder of your many options.

Why Choose Alazzo

From the very beginning, it’s always been our goal to give our patients the very best experience. Committed to offering unparalleled care, our providers will never sacrifice on the quality of our services—especially for wrinkle treatments in Frederick.

Having been around for over 10 years, and with experts who have been practicing for even longer than that, we are proud to provide some of the best care, as well as the newest and safest treatments in the med spa market.

Wrinkle Treatments in Frederick

Sure, we have the tools and training to make us professionals here at Alazzo, but there’s one more reason you should visit us for wrinkle treatments in Frederick:

We Understand Your Pain

We get you. We understand that even though there may not be physical pain that comes with wrinkles and signs of aging on your skin, there can be hurt when it comes to your confidence and self-love. 

There is a reason we choose to offer Botox, Dysport, filler, IPL facials, Fraxel laser rejuvenation, and chemical peels. It is because we know they can be successful! If we haven’t tried them for ourselves, then we have seen amazing results on others. 

We wouldn’t offer a treatment that isn’t going to work, let alone one that would be harmful to you. So, stick with us, and we will find the perfect solution to your wrinkles—as well as other signs of aging—here in Frederick.

IPL Facial

An IPL facial can be used for all kinds of reasons, for everything from skin smoothing to treating sun damage. But IPL can also treat wrinkles. 

IPL stands for intense pulsed light. It’s a versatile treatment that can be used in many different forms. So, when it comes to using it as a wrinkle treatment, we can target those areas where you are wanting to tighten your skin to reduce or remove wrinkles and fine lines.

What It Can Treat: 

  • Uneven skin tone
  • Sun damage
  • Age spots
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Rosacea 
  • Melasma


Once you get this kind of wrinkle treatment in Frederick, you will soon be able to see improvements in your skin. Whether your main concerns were surrounding color or texture, results can last for up to a year. Then, at this point, you can decide if you want to continue your IPL journey, or if you would like to try another treatment for your concerns. 

Fraxel Skin Rejuvenation

The Fraxel laser is a new kind of skin rejuvenation. This heat-energy based treatment resurfaces damaged skin, stimulating increased collagen production as your body works to heal the tissues. Erasing those wrinkles and other concerns, you’re left with fewer fine lines and wrinkles, diminished pore size, and a more youthful appearance, all without having to take any extensive downtime. 

What It Can Treat:

  • Fine lines
  • Pigmentation
  • Age spots
  • Acne scars
  • Surgical scars
  • Sun damage


Initially, your skin will likely be sensitive and vulnerable, with a slightly pink appearance. In the days to follow, you may begin to notice a rough, textured sensation, along with some swelling, flaking, and tightness. You will need to take care of your skin to ensure proper recovery and optimal results, such as routinely applying SPF and using a cool compress.

However, after the relatively mild recovery process, you will begin to see the results of your treatment! These results may last 9 to 12 months, after which you may receive another treatment or explore other procedures.

Chemical Peels

Because each person is different and comes to us with different concerns, we make sure to offer a variety of treatment options, including chemical peels. Being another one of our popular wrinkle treatments in Frederick, the depth of your chemical peel can be customized to address your particular needs.

Our expert providers apply the chemical solution to your skin, which works to remove the uppermost layer of the epidermis—and the wrinkles, scars, and uneven skin tone right along with it. Following your recovery period, you’ll have a refreshed, renewed complexion to show for it.

What It Treats:

  • Fine lines & wrinkles
  • Acne 
  • Uneven complexion
  • Scars


The results of your chemical peel will depend on the depth of treatment. Lighter peels, while requiring little to no downtime, are best suited for those seeking more mild results. Deeper peels will cause your skin to flake off for the next several days, but you will achieve more drastic, noticeable results. 

But no matter what depth of treatment you receive, you’ll be enjoying an improved complexion! You’ll notice a more even skin tone, fewer fine lines and wrinkles, and a revitalized glow. Plus, you can return to receive another peel to see continued results over time.

Our Expertise 

Over the years, our expertise has grown to allow us to safely treat all skin types and tones, regardless of your current skin condition. 

We love helping people of all ages, too. If you come to us in your 20s, then we can help you with preventative care and lessen the amount of aesthetic care you may need when you are older. And if you come to us at an older age, we have treatments for you, too! 

We’ll listen to your specific concerns and set to work on making your desired changes happen. We can work together to correct years of sun damage, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, erase scars, and create the smooth, soft skin you’ve always wanted. Whatever your aesthetic needs, we’re here to help!

We hope to see you soon!

Schedule an appointment today to get started on your journey to advanced skin rejuvenation in Frederick, or use our virtual consultation tool to show us exactly how we can help when you come into Alazzo Med Spa.

Contact us!