Take the Heat Out of Body Contouring

No pain, no gain! We’ve all heard that saying before, right? Well, that saying still holds true in many cases like bikini waxes, barre workouts and cosmetic procedures such as liposuction. But, it’s not the case with the UltraShape, the first and only FDA-cleared, non-invasive body-shaping procedure. Many other body-shaping procedures that are on the market use heat to melt fat away which can be painful. UltraShape takes the heat out of body contouring and uses ultrasound technology to selectively destroy unwanted fat cells.

Scientific slimming.

Are you still trying to figure out the science behind what foods and exercises are going to get rid of your unwanted fat in hard to rid areas? Search no more. UltraShape’s science will have you slim in no time. The UltraShape uses ultrasound technology to destroy, not just shrink, the fat cells in your body. The ultrasound targets the walls of the fat cells and once they are destroyed, the fat, in the form of triglycerides, is released into your body. It is then naturally eliminated from your body. What’s so amazing about the science behind UltraShape is that it does not harm any surrounding tissue, nerves or muscles, it’s painless and it requires no downtime!

Does it really work?

A clinical study of the UltraShape showed that 94% of those treated were pleased with their results. The same clinical study showed that there was an average waistline reduction of 1.2 – 2.5 inches after the standard 3 treatments. Most people see results in as little as 2 weeks.

No downtime and visible results – what are you waiting for? Get rid of your stubborn fat and shape your body with the UltraShape. You can learn more about the UltraShape by visiting our website or you can schedule your consultation by calling 301.810.5740