Why Now is a Good Time for Laser Hair Removal

For a good reason, laser hair removal service is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures to rid hair from the body. It works its magic with destroying the hair follicles by exposing them to highly concentrated pulses of light, and the results are phenomenal. Naturally, one might assume that it makes a bit more sense to get such a procedure done in the summertime. However, this is not necessarily the case. Technically there is no wrong time to begin your laser hair removal process, but there are a few reasons why you should get a headstart before the warmer temperatures come about again.

As we all know, good things take a bit of time, and the benefits of laser hair removal are no different. For optimal results, it is often recommended that a person undergoes about six sessions. Each session will reduce hair production by about 15-20% and should be spaced out at least four weeks apart or six to eight weeks apart for hair removal on legs. Also, note that laser hair removal only works on hair that is actively growing, so to make sure that the treatment reaches every hair follicle in the target area, you will want to allow the needed time for hair growth.

While it is inevitable to see results when getting a laser hair removal, you will need to be careful when exposing yourself to the sun to avoid any discoloration or burning. When you have begun treatments, your skin will be a bit more sensitive, so it is best to avoid being in direct contact with the sun immediately after treatment. It may be a bit difficult to avoid sun exposure during the summertime, so it’s really important to wear a good SPF, but the fall and winter months will allow you to protect your skin during this process.

Laser hair removal service takes better to paler skin. So if the sun has darkened your skin, it may take a bit longer to see results because the laser is attracted to the melanin of the skin which gives you color. During the winter, we aren’t typically tanning so it’s a great time to get laser hair removal. But, no matter what your skin tone is, we will adjust the laser to the appropriate setting to effectively treat the hair.

During the colder months, we are all guilty of covering our unshaved legs with pants and long socks. The cooler weather makes this period an ideal time to start with your laser hair removal service. For best results, do not pluck, tweeze, or wax your hair at least 4-6 weeks before treatment as this will interfere with the laser light making contact with the roots of your hair. Take a look at our blog to see a few other considerations to keep in mind when preparing for laser hair removal.

So, go ahead a get started! There are plenty of reasons not to wait and trust us, the only thing you’ll regret is not doing it sooner!