Look Rejuvenated and Younger with Profound®!

If you’ve become more self-conscious because you’ve noticed a decrease in the fullness and elasticity in your skin or the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, you may have started looking into a facelift or other procedures. While a facelift may be able to provide the results you desire, it is a painful and invasive procedure that will require you to take time off for recovery and healing. There is an exciting new treatment called Profound restores a more youthful appearance as a popular alternative.

If your goal is to restore a more youthful appearance, then an exciting new treatment called Profound®  is a very popular alternative. This treatment gives you the ability to turn the clock back to almost flawless, more youthful skin without the need for surgery. The best part is that this treatment can be carried out right here in the comfort of our Med Spa. Let’s explore this new treatment and all of its benefits!

What is Profound?

The Profound® treatment is clinically proven to stimulate your body’s own wound-healing response to reduce the signs of aging without the use of chemicals or surgery. It is a non-surgical treatment that reduces facial wrinkles, sagging skin, and the appearance of cellulite. Unlike other treatment methods that rely on acids or lasers, this method uses what is known as fractionated Radiofrequency (Radiofrequency) energy.

In simpler terms, Micro Needles are heated up for 3 seconds, which is longer than any other MicroNeedling Radiofrequency on the market. The low heat energy is then applied directly to your skin stimulating elastic AND collagen. Instead of targeting only the surface level, the heat reaches under the top layer, which is where most of the collagen and elastin are located. Since it goes so deep, it may not be safe for all skin types as it may cause some discoloration. You’ll see the results after your first Profound® treatment as it stimulates your body’s ability to produce collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid to revitalize your skin and build fresh, new, and healthy skin tissue, but it can take up to 3-6 months to fully realize. 

What Does Profound® Treat?

Profound® is a great alternative for treating facial wrinkles, sagging skin, and cellulite. Here’s how it works:

  • Facial Wrinkles and Fine Lines

One Profound® Radiofrequency treatment is all it takes to help you delay the signs of wrinkles and fine lines. It awakens your body’s ability to produce hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin so your skin will appear tighter, smoother, and more youthful.

  • Elasticity

As we age, our skin begins to lose its elasticity. With Profound®, you will improve the elasticity of your skin, giving it more of that “snap back” look. As the skin tightens up you won’t see as much drooping, which will help reduce the loose skin that might hang from under your neck or create a double-chin appearance. It will also help with jowls that might be sagging.

  • Cellulite Appearance

The dimpling of the skin, also known as cellulite, can be reduced by the Profound® treatment. During your treatment, we will deliver fractional Radiofrequency energy to the subcutaneous layer of tissue to break down the appearance of cellulite. Common treatable areas include the stomach, thighs, and buttocks. However, if you have cellulite on your arms, legs, or anywhere else, it can also be treated. Studies show a 94% improvement in cellulite visibility from only a single treatment!

What Are the Benefits?

There are several benefits to choosing Profound® for the treatment of wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, or cellulite. These include:

  • No Need for Invasive Surgery – No painful invasive surgery which means a shorter recovery downtime and no need to take time off work!
  • No Harsh Chemicals – The Profound® treatment is clinically proven to stimulate your body’s own wound-healing response to reduce the signs of aging without the use of chemicals!
  • No Need for Repeat Treatments – You do not need to schedule out secondary treatments after your skin heals.
  • Minimal Side Effects – Other than some redness or swelling after the treatment, which should resolve within a week to 10 days, there are no side effects from this treatment.

If you’re ready to take the next step to a younger-looking you, then consider scheduling a Profound® treatment today, so you can reap the benefits in a matter of days!