
Package of 4 for $1000


$100 OFF one syringe

$250 OFF two syringes


Skin Rejuvenation

The More You Buy, the More You Save!



Laser Hair Removal

50% OFF all LHR packages

Botox & Dysport

Dysport & Botox

25 Units or Less: $13/Unit

26–60 Units: $12/Unit

61+ Units: $11/Unit

We accept Alle’ & Aspire rewards


Body Contouring

EmSculpt Neo (1 Area) + 3 Months of Weight Loss Injections for just $3,500

Call for special  PRICING ON EMFACE!!


Specials Grid

Grid of cards displaying posts from the Speicals CPT

Label Name Type Notes
Specials specials_grid_specials relationship If left blank pulls in all published specials
Top Spacing specials_grid_top_spacing select Options: 0px, 16px, 32px, 40px, 48px, 64px, 80px. Value is tailwind equivalent ie: lg:pt-16 pt-12
Bottom Spacing specials_grid_bottom_spacing select Options: 0px, 16px, 32px, 40px, 48px, 64px, 80px. Value is tailwind equivalent ie: lg:pb-16 pb-12