Stem Cells Vs PRP

While many practices use regenerative techniques to improve results, Alazzo Med Spa trusts stem cells exclusively due to three main factors. While PRP is useful in many treatments, our specialists strive for the best results overall. Here’s why our providers pair stem cells with microneedling in Frederick:


Step 1

Your Consultation

Whatever brings you into Alazzo Med Spa, your visit is going to start with a thorough consultation. We discuss your medical history and your goals, then we perform an evaluation of your skin. This allows us to pinpoint damage and determine if microneedling is the appropriate treatment to address your concerns. We work with you to determine the customized treatment plan to meet your goals.

A provider answers the question, "What is a Medispa? (in Frederick)"

Step 2

The Treatment

If we determine microneedling could help you achieve your goals, we can move forward with the treatment You will get comfortable in a treatment room and your provider will apply the treatment. During your consultation, you would have determined whether to use the 12- or 36-needle tip and whether you’re including Protein Rich Retinol with your microneedling.

Step 3

Aftercare and Follow-up

Your provider will ensure you have a thorough understanding of every aspect of the aftercare for your microneedling. In general, we recommend that you do not apply anything to your skin for at least 12 hours. You’ll likely experience some facial redness for anywhere from 12 to 48 hours, and your provider will ensure you understand exactly what to expect.

A team member at Medical Spa in Frederick MD
A patient talks to a provider at Med Spa Near Me